Decision making in the manufacturing environment using the technique of precise order preference
Decision making in the manufacturing environment using the technique of precise order preference
Wrong decisions in manufacturing systems can jeopardize the continuity of production and reduce productivity and efficiency. The refore, it is ess ential to mak e the rig ht dec isions in solving the problems encountered in manufacturing environments. In the literature, there are many methods developed to be used in solving decision-making problems. The results of different methods used in solving the same problem are different from each other. Thus, the rankings obtained by the different methods to solve the same decision-making problem in the manufacturing environment are different. Different rankings obtained for the same problem cause inconsistencies and it is not easy to determine which sort of order is better. In this study, the use of the technique of precise order preference (TPOP) is proposed to solve the decision-making problems in manufacturing systems. Three case studies are presented to illustrate the use of the TPOP method to solve decision-making problems in manufacturing systems. The c ase studies show that the TPOP method can be used easily to solve decision-making problems in manufacturing systems. Furthermore, the consistencies of the multi-criteria decision-making methods used in this study are analyzed using Spearman’s correlation coefficient values. TPOP method has the highest Spearman’s correlation value for three case studies.
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