As known, from the beginning till now cadastral works have been done to accomplish different aims with different surveying methods and times, different accuracy for each point on bases. All these cadastral bases are valid and used now. However, some of the bases which have not enough accuracy can be renewed. Thanks to the renovation process on cadastral works/bases, all cadastral bases in the country can be transferred from insufficient form in terms of point accuracy into the sufficient form. Revealing the current process and progress on transformation on cadastral bases, which have not wanted/desired point accuracy for each point on them, from the insufficient form into the sufficient form and investigation whether these renovation process/progress can be defined as nature of cadastre are the aim of the study. In recent times, expanding the cadastral sector over the whole world under the FIG perspective, 3D cadastre approaches, INSPIRE directives increases further the expectations from the cadastre and cadastre related works. At this point, it is observed that a lot of cadastral works in Turkish cadastral system must be carried out in the name of performing the international expectations from cadastral works. Considering the current renovation works on cadastre bases in Turkey, even if renovation work has a lot in common with the basic surveying work in terms of application methods, renovation works are considered as increasing the accuracy of the bases in terms of each point accuracy on them, and to be converted them from classical format into digital form, To ensure this, it is necessity of development of the renovation scope and content and then these renovations should be carried out in this way.


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Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences-Cover
  • ISSN: 1304-7191
  • Başlangıç: 1983
  • Yayıncı: Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi