The book of the poet, scientist and public figure of Kazakhstan Olzhas Suleimenov, published in 1975 in Almaty, was aimed at centuries-old stereotypes in Russian and Soviet historical science, for which the Soviet science officials accused the author of “panturkism”. As a continuation of this book in 1998, O. Suleimenov publishes a new book "Language of Writing", in the new conditions of Kazakhstan's independence. O. Suleimenov completes his original concept on world history, substantiates a new concept this time aimed at the basic principles of "Indo-European studies" in linguistics, which now dominates linguistics and world history in this book. The article deals with the new “nuclear linguistics” by O.Suleymenov, which contributes to the word genetics, and analyzes the concept of Ferdinand de Saussure in linguistics, which is the foundation of Indo-European studies. The author's views on several aspects of prehistoric society research are fundamental. Thus, we can distinguish his interpretation of the world of the first symbols in the inscriptions on the stone. Special attention of modern researchers should be drawn to the views of O. Suleimenov on the religious beliefs of primitive people-Neanderthals and Homo sapiens (wise man), assertions that Neanderthals were worshippers of the Moon, and wise man was a worshipper of the Sun. The author claims that the bloody conflicts between them were no less violent than the religious wars of the modern period and draws attention to the probable reasons for the extinction of Neanderthals from the historical scene. Analyzing the vast collection of materials of the prehistoric period, the author puts forward a scientifically based hypothesis on the formation of the main directions of the first geographical discoveries in prehistoric times. It also proves that the appearance of the "East-West" dichotomy occurs not at the stage of development of the civilizational process, but during the period of prehistoric society.


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