Vormarz Tiyatrosu ve Epik Tiyatro Bağlamında Alman Tiyatro Tarihinin Gelişim Süreci

Bu çalışmada Alman tiyatro tarihinin iki önemli tiyatro geleneği, Epik Tiyatro ve Vormärz Tiyatrosu, dönemlerinin kültürel ve politik özelliklerine katkılarınıortaya koymak amacıyla karşılaştırmalıbir şekilde ele alınmıştır. Bu iki tiyatro geleneğinin köklerine inebilmek amacıyla Alman tiyatro tarihi antik dönemden modern döneme son dönem kadar ana hatlarıyla irdelenmiştir. Bu süreçte Alman tiyatrosunun konu, dil ve biçim form bakımından geçmişten günümüze kadar geçirdiği değişim ve gelişim ortaya konmuştur.

Vormarz Tiyatrosu ve Epik Summary of the German Dram

of the German Dram History with Reference to the Vormarz and Epic Theater Kurzer Abriss Der Deutschen Dramengeschichte Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung Des Vormärztheaters Und Des Epischen Theaters Aristotle divided literary genres as epic and lyric works. Bertolt Brect’s “Epic Theater” took its name from this division. Epic drama added many novelties to the German Drama. The players’ walking among the audiences and asking questions to involve them into the play were two of these novelties. Estrangement technique was one of the significant novelties. The aim of the estrangement technique was to ensure that audiences controlled themselves, get the feeling of being communicated by the actor and took a critical stance toward the events. Brecht made use of different ways to apply the estrangement technique. Particularly, songs, music, interludes and so on were the elements of estrangement technique. The aim of epic drama was to inform the audience about the social and political issues affecting their lives and let them criticize these issues. Briefly, two important drama traditions – Vormärz Drama and Epic Drama –, prominent in German Drama, and their contributions to the late German Drama were discussed in this study


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