Meslek liselerinde tekstil konfeksiyon programının seçimini etkileyen faktörler ve programa talep oranı (Konya, Karaman ve Aksaray illeri örneği)*

Türkiye’de uzun yıllardır faaliyet gösteren tekstil konfeksiyon sektörünün yükselişi, günümüzde çok büyük boyutlara ulaşmıştır. Ülkemizin bu sektörde büyük coğrafyalarla yarıştığı herkesçe bilinmektedir. Son yıllarda tekstilin özel sektördeki yerinin günden güne genişlemesi aynı oranda değişimi de beraberinde getirmiştir. Bu da gözleri değişimin tek anahtarı olan eğitime çevirmiş dolayısıyla Türk eğitim sistemindeki tekstil konfeksiyon programına hak ettiği ilginin gösterilmesi gerekliliğini doğurmuştur. Bu çalışmada Konya, Karaman ve Aksaray illerinde tekstil konfeksiyon programı uygulayan Anadolu Meslek Liseleri, Anadolu Kız Meslek Liseleri ve Kız Meslek Liselerinde, öğrencilerin bu alanı seçmesinde etkili olan faktörler ve alana talep oranının araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada tarama modeli uygulanmış; önce kaynak taraması ve internet kanalıyla liselerde tekstil konfeksiyon eğitimi ile ilgili temel bilgilere ulaşılmıştır. Daha sonra öğrencilere, alan seçiminde etkili olan faktörleri tespit etmeye yönelik bir anket (bilgi formu) uygulanmış ve alana talep oranının belirlenmesi amacıyla araştırma kapsamındaki okulların müdürleri ile görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Ortaya çıkan bütün bulgular yüzde ve frekans hesaplarıyla tablo ve grafiklere dökülmüştür. Bazı faktörlerin birbirleriyle olan ilişkisini ortaya koymak amacıyla bu faktörler arasında x2 (khi - kare) testi uygulanmış ve buradan çıkan sonuçlar da tablolara aktarılmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgulara göre tekstil konfeksiyon programının seçimini etkileyen birçok faktör tespit edilmiştir. Bu faktörleri genel olarak; yakın çevre, dış çevre, tekstil konfeksiyon simgeleri, tekstil konfeksiyon programının çeşitli yönleri, alt bölümleri, bazı mesleki/akademik ve duygusal nedenler, okulların sağladığı rehberlik hizmeti, Türkiye’de ve dünyada bu alanda tanınmış önemli isimler, tekstil konfeksiyon programının yurt dışındaki konumu şeklinde gruplandırmak mümkündür. Aynı zamanda öğrencilerin anne-babalarının meslek grupları da bu faktörler arasında sayılabilir. Ayrıca ilgili liselerde tekstil konfeksiyon programına olan talebin; alan seçimi yapmış öğrenci mevcudunun %17.5’ine tekabül ettiği belirlenmiştir. Bu okullarda tekstil konfeksiyon alanıyla beraber birçok programın uygulandığı göz önüne alınırsa bu oranın oldukça iyi olduğu söylenebilir

The factors affecting the election of the textile ready - made clothing programme in the vocational high schools and the demand rate to the Programme (The Model of Konya, Karaman and Aksaray provinces)

Rise of the textile and clothing industry that operating in Turkey for many years has reached huge proportions today. It is known by everyone that our country compete with large geographies in this sector. The location of the textile industry in private sector has growed day by day in recent years and this situation has brought about at the same rate of change. So the eyes have been turned to education which unique key of the change and the necessity was born that to be shown great interest to the programme of the textile ready - made clothing in Turkish education system. This research fronts to textile ready - made clothing education subject and it focuses on factors that affect the election of the programme of the textile ready - made clothing that is applied in Anatolian Professional High Schools, Anatolian Maiden Professional High Schools and Maiden Professional High Schools and the demand rate to the programme (Konya, Karaman and Aksaray provinces). The universe of this study is the students of the programme of the textile ready - made clothing in Anatolian Professional High Schools, Anatolian Maiden Professional High Schools and Maiden Professional High Schools that hold the programme of the textile ready - made clothing. Specimens are composed of the pupils doing the programme of the textile ready - made clothing in Anatolian Professional High Schools, Anatolian Maiden Professional High Schools and Maiden Professional High Schools from Konya, Karaman and Aksaray. Totally 418 textile ready - made clothing students 9. 10. and 11. classes in these provinces and in their towns have been included in this study. Survey method was applied in this research. The basic informations that can be reached via internet and literature will be used in the context of this survey model. Than a poll has been applied to the students to determine the factors that have an effect on students to opt for textile ready - made clothing programme. In addition to this the headmasters of the schools have been interviewed and the demand for the programme of the textile ready - made clothing in these schools has been determined. All findings have been showed by the tables and graphs with the percentage and frequency calculations. With the aim of showing up the relation ship between some factors with each other among these factors x2 (khi - square) test has been applied and the results that came out from them have been tabulated. According to the findings of the study, so many factors which affect the programme of the textile ready - made clothing have been determined. It is possible to group these factors as close environment (family, friends, relatives, guidance teachers), external environment (the famous fashion designers, artists, teachers, academic members, company owners, workshop leaders, stylists, designers, tailors and, models, etc.), textile ready - made clothing symbols (showcases, fashion shows, fashion bulletins, fashion magazines, textile magazines, fashion channels, brands, fabrics, the new model sewing machines, sewing equipment, dress forms, clothing accessories, etc..), the various aspects of the programme of the textile ready - made clothing (conceptual, design, cutting, sewing, etc..), the subsections of the programme of the textile ready - made clothing (Branch of the Child Clothing Design, Branch of the Sock Knitting, Branch of the Leather Ready - To - Wear, Branch of the Weaving Surface Apparel, Branch of the Flatbed Knitting (tricot) Ready - To - Wear, Branch of the Men's Clothing Design, Branch of the Men's Tailoring, Branch of the Home Textile Apparel, Branch of the Underwear Styler, Branch of the Underwear Design, Branch of the Women's Clothing Design, Branch of the Pattern, Branch of the Quality Control (Production Controller), Branch of the Cut, Branch of the Material Quality Control, Branch of the Fashion-House Boutique (dressmaking), Branch of the Embroidery of the Textile and Garment Industry, Branch of the Textile and Garment Machinery Mechatronics, Branch of the Circular Knitting Apparel), some vocational/academic factors, (becoming skilful in order to sew, becoming skilful in order to work in a factory/an establishment, to earn a reputation in the textile sector in Turkey/abroad, get a bachelor degree and a master’s degree in this department, gaining the ability to begin a business by dint of education that to be earned), some emotional reasons (to love sewing, to like using creativeness, thinking the world of figures who is fashion designers in the some television series, movies or television programmes, to be interested in technological products with regard to apparel industry, thinking the world of the textile ready - made clothing teachers, to like things which is producted by the neighbours, relatives etc. worked in this sector), vocational/academic status of the textile ready - made clothing programme’s the former graduates, the guidance service which provided by guidance counselor at the schools, well - known figures in this field in Turkey and in the world, the overseas position of the programme of the textile ready - made clothing. Moreover, the status of the students’ parents as alive/dead, apart/together and their jobs and income levels can be counted among these factors. Also the demand for the programme of the textile ready - made clothing in the Anatolian Professional High Schools, Anatolian Maiden Professional High Schools and Maiden Professional High Schools in Konya, Karaman and Aksaray corresponds to an extend of % 17.5 of the students who have made their choices for the fields. When the application of the programme of the textile ready - made clothing along with other 10 programmes (the programme of the serving good technology, the programme of the shoes technology, the programme of the computer, the programme of the skin care and hair dressing, the programme of the child growing and education, the programme of the Handicrafts, the programme of the graph, the programme of the embroidery and the programme of the painting) is considered, it can be said that this rate is so good. This ratio carries to a significant location the programme of the textile ready - made clothing in the Turkish education system.


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