Flüt Eğitiminde Nefes Tekniği

Flüt eğitiminde nefes tekniği, en önemli tekniklerin başında yer almaktadır. Zira doğru bir nefes kullanımıolmadan, flütten ses elde etmek mümkün değildir. Bu bağlamda flüt eğitimcilerinin öğrencilerine bu tekniği mümkün olduğunca somutlaştırarak anlatmaya çalışmalarıve uygulamalar yaptırmalarıönemlidir. Bu noktadan hareketle araştırmanın amacı, flüt eğitiminde en temel teknik konuların başında yer alan nefes tekniğine ilişkin teorik bilgilere ve uygulamalara yer vermek, öğrencilere kaynaklık etmek ve yol göstermektir. Bu amaçla konu ile ilgili yerli ve yabancıkaynaklar incelenerek literatür taramasıyapılmış, elde edilen bulgular çalışmanın amacıdoğrultusunda sunulmuştur. Bu çalışma flüt eğitiminde nefes tekniğini gerek teorik boyutu gerekse uygulama boyutuyla ele almasıve doğru nefes kullanımıkonusunda öğrencileri bilgilendirmesi, konu ile ilgili kaynaklık ve rehberlik etmesi bakımından önem taşımaktadır. Çalışmada, solunumda çalışan başlıca bedensel yapıların; diyafram, kaburgalar ve kaburgalar arasıkaslar, akciğerler, karın duvarı, pelvik tabanı, omurga olduğu; nefes tekniğinin nefes alma, nefes tutma ve nefes verme olmak üzere üç aşamada geçekleştiği; nefes tekniğini geliştiren egzersizlerin yapılmasıgerektiği sonuçlarına ulaşılmıştır.

The Technique Of Breath In Flute Education

aimed to attain, the technique of breath occupies the first rank. The basic requirement for playing the flute nicely and effectively is learning to breathe correctly and applying this procedure appropriately. It is not possible to get clear sound, have a good quality tone and thus succeed in playing the flute with an incompetent or incorrect use of breath as it is impossible to produce sound and create music with the flute without an appropriate use of breath. Within the scope of professional music education, most of the methods utilized throughout the beginner level flute education have been written in a foreign language and include an insufficient amount of explanations and applications as to the technique of breath. As a matter of fact C. Önder 2012 in her study concludes that the most common beginner level flute education method is in English, there is scarce explanatory information as to breath technique, and there are no pictures showing the operation of muscle of diaphragm while inhaling and/or exhaling. As can be understood, there is a lack of educational materials to be used while explaining and practicing the breath technique, the most important technique in flute education. Moreover, to what extent the students can utilize the methods written in a foreign language is also highly doubtful. This present study aims to present theoretical information and applications as to the breath technique, the most basic technical topic in flute education, to be a source of reference and guide for students. The significance of this study lies in the fact that it handles the issue of breath technique in flute education both theoretically and practically and informs the students about the correct use of breath as well as acting as a source of reference and guide for students. The technique of ‘literature review’ has been employed within the study and the findings have been presented in line with the aims of the study. The following s have been concluded by the study: • The process of breath consists of chest breath, shoulder breath and diaphragm-based breath. Diaphragm-based breath is required in flute education. Neither the chest breath nor the shoulder breath allows the lungs to expand adequately and the diaphragm and abdominal muscles cannot function adequately thus the necessary breath support and control for flute performance cannot be provided. • Main body structures/organs that operate during diaphragm-based breath are; diaphragm, ribs and mid-ribs muscles, lungs, abdominal wall, pelvic floor and vertebrae. • The breath technique in flute education occurs in three phases; namely, inhaling, holding the breath and exhaling. • During the inhalation process, ribs inflate chest cavity by moving upwards and outwards and lungs are filled with air; diaphragm flattens downwards by tightening; abdomen enlarges outwards and sideward; pelvic floor moves downwards; vertebrae shrinks a little. • During the holding breath process, the body stays spread while the diaphragm and the abdominal wall prepare to exhale and the throat is kept open. This momentary standstill provides the muscle support necessary for the continuity of the tone. • During the exhalation process, ribs move downwards and inwards, diaphragm rises, abdominal wall strains, pelvic floor rises and vertebrae stretches a little. • The first 9 of breath exercises listed in the study are aimed to help the students comprehend the breath technique; in other words, the physiological aspect – body structures/organs operating while inhalation and exhalation - of the process. The following 6 exercises aim to develop breath control, endurance, tone and lip control. The following s are suggested by the study: • In order for the students comprehend the breath technique tangibly, how the bodily structures operate during the breath process and what their functions are need to be explained to the students. • Flute educators need to have the necessary competence on the issue. Furthermore, flute educators need to stimulate and supervise their students continuously as to the appropriate use of breath technique. • Breath exercises must be included in the students’ daily routine practice in order for them to comprehend and apply the breath technique correctly. Flute educators should raise the students’ awareness on the significance of breath exercises and make them form correct habits on this issue. • The students may improve their breath technique by practicing various etudes and pieces that are suitable for their level


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