Mağnezitin Kalsinasyon Kinetiği ve Saf MgO Üretimi

Bu çalışmada, % 97.35 MgCO3 ihtiva eden mağnezit minerali 500 - 900 0C sıcaklık aralığında kalsine edildi. Kalsinasyon reaksiyonunun ikinci mertebeden olduğu bulundu ve bu reaksiyona ait aktivasyon enerjisi 173.1 kj/mol olarak hesaplandı. Kalsine cevherin asetik asit çözeltilerinde çözündürülmesiyle elde edilen Mg(CH3COO)2’a NaOH çözeltisi ilave edildi ve Mg(OH)2 üretildi. Mg(OH)2’in 700 0C’de kalsine edilmesi ile saf MgO elde edildi.

Calcination Kinetics of Magnesite and Production of Pure Mgo

In this study 97.35 % MgCO3 containing magnesite ores was calcinated in the range of 500 -900 0C. It has been found that, the calcination reactions of magnesite is controlled by second order reaction. The activation energy for this reaction was calculated as 173.1.kj/mol. The Mg(OH)2 was produced by adding of NaOH solutions to obtained Mg(CH3COO)2 mixture which was obtained by dissolution of calcinated ore with acetic acid solutions. Pure MgO was produced by calcination of Mg(OH)2 at 700 0C.