Bu bilimsel çalışmada, çimento üretiminde ana girdi olarak kullanılan kil taşına alternatif


The possibility of using metaschist as an alternative to claystone which is used as the maininput in cement production has been investigated. In the experimental work, the metaschistsand claystone were used to produce cement separately from the raw materials from their fields,and their qualities were determined. As a result of the tests carried out, it was understood thatcorrective ingredients (iron ore, bauxite etc.) would be needed in order to use the claystonebecause of its high SiO2 (silicate modulus 3.97) content. On the other hand, with the metaschistsample, it has been shown that it can form a raw meal composition singularly without the need forany corrective ingredients. Although, in the raw meal composition, the silicate module was foundto be low (2.07) the aluminum module was high (2.43), They were found to be within the cementquality parameters. As a result of detailed mineralogical studies, it has been determined thatthe metaschist has a quartz content about 13% lower than claystone. Knowing that the quartzcontent is considered to have adverse effects on many production processes such as grindability,burnability and abrasion, it can be argued that the use of metaschists results in the production ofcement being more economical and of good quality due to its mineralogical structure.


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