Evaluation of Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Countries With Tropical Climate

Evaluation of Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Countries With Tropical Climate

Greenhouse gas emissions are the gases released into the atmosphere, directly or indirectly, as a result of different types of production and consumption processes. The use of fossil fuels, deforestation, agricultural practices, industrial processes and the livestock sector are human-induced actions that increase greenhouse gas emissions. Since greenhouse gases hold heat in the atmosphere, they increase the temperature and cause global warming and climate change with the effect of greenhouse gases. In this study, total greenhouse gas emissions values of 8 countries with tropical climate (Brazil, Nigeria, Venezuela, Colombia, Sudan, Bolivia and Chad) were investigated. It has been observed that among these countries, especially those with developed industries, have higher total greenhouse gas emission values. Among these countries, the highest total greenhouse gas emission value is approximately 1.5 billion tons in Brazil.


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