Rize Batıpark Soil Improvement and Strengthening

Rize Batıpark Soil Improvement and Strengthening

The aim of the civil engineer is to desing and build functional functional structures by ensuring ground safety economic conditions. Field and design conditions are important in applicatins. Ground conditions are important during and after construction of the building. The options that can be applied include improvement and strengthening of the ground. The first study to be carried out by the civil engineer on problematic soils reaches the desing criteria prescribed by different methods. While doing this, the superstructure must be reliable, functional and economical. Ground improvement can be defined as the improvement of certain properties of soils by using different physical, chemical or biological methods fort he intended application. Terms such as reclamation, stabilization and modification are also used instead of improving soils. Correction of the existing ground or relocation of the project is not very costly and logical. In addition, the option of soil improveent and strengthening emerges as the most logical and suitabl solution, since it is costly to delicer the building loads to very deep solid grounds with the deep foundation application which is atraditilonal solution method.Although the impertance given to soil improvement and strengthening has increased due to rapid urbanization the rapid reduction of suitable residential areas, high land costs, protecting the security of neighboring and construction on soils that have poor bearing capacity ort problematic in terms of settlement, especially due to the difficulty of living in large cities and industrial areas and high costs has made it compulsory.The aim here is to increase the bearing capacity of weak soils to reduce the permeability and to accelerate the consolidation by reducing the working ot the groun as a whole and the settlement of the ground. Preloding and Bored pile applecations have been made in the West park area built by the sea in Rize Fener Mahallesi. Here, the infastructure of the park wich was built on the sea, filled with large filing materials and corrected with thinner filling materials and preloaded for a period of time (3-5 months). Afterwards, Bored pile application is applied as reinforcement to the ground and the ground here is improved and strengthened. The purpose of this study is to determine the methods used in the improvement and strengthening of the western park floor and to know the precautions for the ground and the western park from the damages that may arise in the future.


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