XIX. yüzyıl İslam dünyasının önemli fikir ve siyaset adamlarından Afgani’nin edebi ve sanatsal yönünü yansıtan, duygu ve düşüncelerinin anlaşılmasında önemli yer tutan bazı şiirleri mevcuttur. Arap ve Fars edebiyatının yanı sıra farklı dillerin edebiyatlarına da aşina olan Afgani, çeşitli münasebetlerle yazmış-dillendirmiş veya not almış olduğu şiirler vasıtasıyla mesajlar vermiş veya kendisi ile halvet etmiştir. Onun şiirleri arasında en uzun ve en hacimli olanı toplam doksan beyitlik Sakinâme’dir. Bunun dışında rubai, gazel, mesnevi ve kaside kalıplarında yazmış olduğu Arapça ve Farsça şiir ve tek beyitleri de mevcuttur. Afgani söz konusu bu manzumelerle şiir, edebiyat ve estetik zevkini yansıttığı gibi; çalkantılı hayat(ın)a bakışını, yaşadığı siyasi zorluk ve mihnetleri de bir tür rumuz diliyle aksetmiştir. Osmanlı devlet adamlarına göndermelerin de yer aldığı söz konusu şiirlerin çevirisini sunup; ülkemizde edebi yönüyle pek tanınmayan Afgani’nin şiir, sanat ve edebiyat anlayışına ışık tutmaya çalışacağız. Abstract There are some poems that have an important place in understanding of his emotions and thoughts, reflecting the literary and artistic aspect of the Afghani, one of the important ideas and politicians of  the 20th century Islamic world. Being familiar with Arabic and Persian literature, as well as literatures of different languages, the Afghani has despacthed messages  or has been alone with his own inner world through the poems he had written or noted in a variety of ways. The longest and most voluminous of her poems is Sakinâme with a total of ninety couplets. In addition to this, there are also poetry and single poems written in Arabic, Persian and Persian in the form of rubai, gazel, mesnevi and kaside. As these poems reflect the poetic, literary and aesthetic taste of Afghan; the political difficulties in his view of the turbulent (his) life and his political difficulties are reflected in his pseudonym language. Based on these poems, which include references to Ottoman statesmen, he presented the translation of poems; we will try to shed light on the poetry, art and literature understanding of Afghani, who is not recognized in our country with his literary aspects.


Abstract There are some poems that have an important place in understanding of his emotions and thoughts, reflecting the literary and artistic aspect of the Afghani, one of the important ideas and politicians of  the 20th century Islamic world. Being familiar with Arabic and Persian literature, as well as literatures of different languages, the Afghani has despacthed messages  or has been alone with his own inner world through the poems he had written or noted in a variety of ways. The longest and most voluminous of her poems is Sakinâme with a total of ninety couplets. In addition to this, there are also poetry and single poems written in Arabic, Persian and Persian in the form of rubai, gazel, mesnevi and kaside. As these poems reflect the poetic, literary and aesthetic taste of Afghan; the political difficulties in his view of the turbulent (his) life and his political difficulties are reflected in his pseudonym language. Based on these poems, which include references to Ottoman statesmen, he presented the translation of poems; we will try to shed light on the poetry, art and literature understanding of Afghani, who is not recognized in our country with his literary aspects.


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