عمر الخيام: الفيلسوف المظلوم / Omar al-Khayyam: The Oppressed Philosopher / Ömer Hayyam: Mazlum Filozof

Bu makale, dünya çapında farklı bir üne sahip Ömer Hayyam'ın mulak ve ihtilaflı şahsiyetini ele alır. Hayyam, insanoğlunun kaderi ve trajik sonu için endişelenen şahsiyetler arasındadır. Evren, varlık, yaşam ve ölüm hakkındaki düşüncelerini ve sorularını özgürce ortaya koyduğu “Rubaiyat” da bu derin endişesine yer verir. Şöhretinin esas sebebi onun bu sorularıydı. Benzer şekilde, onun çarptırılmış imajının arkasında da yine bu aynı sebepler vardı.Bu endişesi nedeniyle, yaşamında da ölümünde de ödüllendirilmek yerine haksızlığa uğramıştır. Ayrıca, kendisine atfedilen bazı Rubaileri'nde şehvet, müstehcenlik, ahlaksızlık gibi konulara değindiği için de haksız muamele görmüştür.Bu çalışmada, tarih boyunca haksızlığa uğramış filozof Ömer Hayyam'ın baskı gören yönlerine işaret etmeye ve ayrıca, batılı oryantalistler ve kendi dostları tarafından imajı çarptırılıldığından, Ömer Hayyam ve Rubaiyat'ı hakkındaki yanlış kanıları ve düşünceleri, kendisine karşı adil olma çabası içinde düzeltmeye çalışılmıştır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Ömer Hayyam, mazlum filozof, Rubaiyat, yaşam ve ölüm.Abstract: This research paper tackles the ambiguous and controversial figure of Omar al-Khayyam who enjoys a distinct worldwide reputation. He was amongst those figures who were mainly concerned with human destiny and the tragic end of man. He expressed his deep anxiety in “Rubaiyat” in which he displayed freely the essence of his thoughts and queries about the universe, existence, life and death. These queries were the main reasons for his fame. Similarly, these same reasons were behind distorting his image.Instead of being rewarded for this concern, al-Khayyam was oppressed and treated unjustly in his life and death. He was, also, oppressed in some of the Rubaiyat, which were referred to him as they focus on lust, obscenity, lewdness, immorality, etc.This research paper attempts to address some aspects of oppression of al-Khayyam unjustly treated philosopher throughout history. It, also tries to correct misconceptions and beliefs about him as well as his Rubaiyat in an attempt to be fair with him as his image was distorted by his fellow-men or by the Western Orientalists.Keywords: Omar al-Khayyam, the oppressed philosopher, Rubaiyat, life and death.الملخص تقوم هذه المقالة على دراسة شخصية عمر الخيام؛ التي يَكْتنِفُها كثير من الجدل والغموض والإبهام، والتي تَتَمتَّعُ بِشُهرة عالمية قَلَّ نظيرها، فقد كان من الشخصيات القَلقِة التي أَرَّقها مصير البشرية، والنهاية المأساوية التي سيؤُل إليها جميع أفرادها؛ وقد عَبَّر عن قَلقِه هذا من خلال الرباعيات التي سكب فيها خلاصة أفكاره وتساؤلاته عن الكون والوجود، والموت والحياة، والتي كانت سبباً رئيساً في شُهرته وتشّويه صورته أيضاً، وبدلاً من أن يُكافأ على هذا الاهتمام نَجِده قد ظُلِمَ في حياته ومماته، وفي الرباعيات التي نسبت إليه وترجماتها المتعددة إلى أغلب لغات الدنيا، وتفسيرها، وتأويلها، وتركيزها على اللّهو والمجون، واللّذة والشهوة، والفِسق والفُجور.... وقد سعت هذه المقالة إلى التدليل على أوجه الظلم التي وقعت على الخيام، باعتباره فيلسوفاً مظلوماً لم ينصفه التاريخ، وتصحيح بعض المفاهيم المغلوطة والأوهام الخاطئة، التي شاعت حول شخصيته ورباعياته، ومحاولة إنصافه، ورَفِع الظلم الذي لَحِق به، والذي شوّه صورته في الأذهان، سواء من أبناء جلدته أو من المستشرقين الغربيين.الكلمات المفتاحية: عمر الخيام، الفيلسوف المظلوم، الرباعيات ، الحياة والموت.


This research paper tackles the ambiguous and controversial figure of Omar al-Khayyam who enjoys a distinct worldwide reputation. He was amongst those figures who were mainly concerned with human destiny and the tragic end of man. He expressed his deep anxiety in “Rubâiyât” in which he displayed freely the essence of his thoughts and queries about the universe, existence, life and death. These queries were the main reasons for his fame. Similarly, these same reasons were behind distorting his image.Instead of being rewarded for this concern, al-Khayyam was oppressed and treated unjustly in his life and death. He was, also, oppressed in some of the Rubâiyât, which were referred to him as they focus on lust, obscenity, lewdness, immorality, etc.This research paper attempts to address some aspects of oppression of alKhayyam unjustly treated philosopher throughout history. It, also tries to correct misconceptions and beliefs about him as well as his Rubâiyât in an attempt to be fair with him as his image was distorted by his fellow-men or by the Western Orientalists.
Şarkiyat Mecmuası-Cover
  • ISSN: 1307-5020
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 2 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 1956
  • Yayıncı: İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Şarkiyat Araştırma Merkezi
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