Maksimus The Confessor and his Dyothelit Christology

Maximus the confessor is one of the most important and active Orthodox mystic theologians of the seventh century. He lived in a monastery as a monk for the most of his life,but this did not prevent him fromgetting involved in the discussions of Christology which was also a topic of discussion during his time. He defended dyothelit Christology, that there is in Christ two wills (divine and human) and two actions (divine and human) together. Due to this belief, he was first exiled, then imprisoned and tortured because of his thoughts and beliefs which conflicted with the religious politics of the emperor of the time. As a result of the torture he endured, he died in 662. After his death, his faith and belief of dyothelit Christology was accepted by Second Council of Constantinople as the official faith of the orthodox and the empire.