Sodyum Humat/SLES/Bitkisel Yağların Karışımı

A blend of sodium humate (SH) with anionic surfactants such as sodium lauryl ether sulfate (SLES) was prepared by solution mixing at medium of herbal oils at 25, 50 and 75°C. Its miscibility studies were carried out by using physical techniques over an extended range of concentration and composition in buffer solution. In addition, to ascertain the state of miscibility of the blends, they were investigated by using UV-visible spectrophotometer and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR). These values revealed that the blend is miscible when the sodium humate content is more than %60 in the blend at all temperatures. There were no important differences in the characteristics of the blends at different temperatures.It was thought that the mechanism ofthe complex formation is realized by making strong intermolecular interaction like hydrogen bonds between the carbonyl groups in humic acid and hydroxyl groups in fatty acids.

A blend of Sodium Humate/SLES/Herbal Oils

A blend of sodium humate (SH) with anionic surfactants such as sodium lauryl ether sulfate (SLES) was prepared by solution mixing at medium of herbal oils at 25, 50 and 75°C. Its miscibility studies were carried out by using physical techniques over an extended range of concentration and composition in buffer solution. In addition, to ascertain the state of miscibility of the blends, they were investigated by using UV-visible spectrophotometer and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR). These values revealed that the blend is miscible when the sodium humate content is more than %60 in the blend at all temperatures. There were no important differences in the characteristics of the blends at different temperatures. It was thought that the mechanism of the complex formation is realized by making strong intermolecular interaction like hydrogen bonds between the carbonyl groups in humic acid and hydroxyl groups in fatty acids.


  • Piccolo, A.; 2002.Supramolecular Structure of Humic Substances; Advances in Agronomy; Volume 75; p. 59.
  • Heinze T, Liebert T (2001) Unconventional methods in cellulose functionalization. Prog Polym Sci 26:1689–1762. 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 465 665 nm A a b c d e f g h i