Inoculation of Capsicum annuum L. and Lactuca sativa L. Plants with Local Bacillus Species for Evaluating the Protein Amount

Bacteria with plant growth promoting activity can produce metabolites for facilitating nutrient availability and uptake in plants. Bacillus species can colonize in root regions and form symbiotic relationships. They provide benefits as binding free nitrogen, dissolving phosphorus, and producing hormones for growth promotion. Local isolates of Bacillus thuringiensis, B. subtilis, B. niratireducens and B. paramycoides were coated to seeds of pepper and lettuce plants in greenhouse conditions according to randomized complete block experimental design with five replications in pots with five kg soil. Bacteria were incubated overnight in Luria Bertani medium at 37° C at 180 rpm until reaching 1x108 CFU/ml. Subsequently, coated to surface sterilized seeds through incubating at 100 rpm for 30-45 min. The plants were harvested and kept at 65-70 °C until drying. Samples were pulverized for determining the amount of N using the Kjeldahl method. The amount of total protein content was also estimated by proportioning the amount of N. The N% in the roots of pepper was found to be 5.00 in control group, while the respective values were 6.14 and 6.04 in Bt SY49.1 and Bs PSY1 treated groups with considerable increase. Likewise, while the N % in shoot samples of pepper was 5.34% in control, it was 6.26 % in Bt SY49.1, 6.29 % in Bn PSY1, and 8.26 % in Bp PSY1 treated groups. For root samples of lettuce, the amount was 6.64% in control, however, in Bt PSY1 and Bs PSY1 treated groups the results were around 8.00%. In lettuce shoot samples, N% was 12.42 in control, and 13.17, 12.87, and 13.12 % in groups treated with Bn PSY1, Bt PSY1, Bs PSY1, respectively. It is known that, nearly all N incorporate into protein structure in food, and can be deduced that the applied bacterial species cause considerable increase in protein amounts in plants.
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Bacillus thuringiensis


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