A Note On E-Injective Modules

A Note On E-Injective Modules

Let ? be a commutative ring with identity, ? an ?-module and ? a torsion-free ?-module. A submodule ? of ? is said to be essential (large) in ? if the intersection of ? with each nonzero submodule of ? is nonzero, that is, ? ∩ ?? ≠ 0 for any nonzero element ? ∈ ? and we write ? ≤? ?. It is clear that the class of ? − ????? sequences is larger than the class of ????? sequences. In this study we present the concept of e-injective modules as a generalization of injective modules. The main goal is to give a characterization of e-injective modules in terms of contravariant functor ???(−,?)


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