Perinatal Autopsy Procedure

Perinatal Autopsy Procedure

Perinatal Autopsy is the name given to postmortem examination in fetus and / or newborn period.  In the perinatal period there is rapid growth and complex changes occur. During this growth and development, many factors cause anomalies, growth retardation and even death. Today, most of the pregnancies are closely monitored, fetuses with severe anomalies are detected in the early period by various methods and the pregnancy is terminated with the consent of the family. In this case, confirming the pathological autopsy anomaly with the consent of the family according to the gestational week and the presence of other concomitant anomalies may be a guide for other pregnancies to be planned. It is recommended that all reproductive losses be sent to the pathology laboratory and evaluated. In all perinatal autopsies, an informed consent form should be completed. The autopsy procedure should be explained in detail and the limitations of the evaluation should be shared.


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