Teas are classified into different types depending on the processing techniques of fresh tea, leaves, and sprouts. One of them is the green tea form prepared without fermentation. This type of tea, which has gradually started to replace black tea, also has different forms such as powder, leaf, and flour. The aim of the study was to compare different forms of green tea with green tea flour and to evaluate its effect on the egg yield of Drosophila melanogaster. The Oregon wild strain of D. melanogaster, an important organism, was used in the study. The 3rd stage larvae of Drosophila melanogaster were grown in standard media and media containing different forms of green tea. The egg yield of female individuals obtained from here was calculated for 3 days by performing their 1♀ x 3♂ crossing. When the results were examined, the mean egg yield of female individuals chronically fed with green tea flour was found to be 34±1.15. The egg yield obtained from female individuals grown in a standard medium as the control group was found to be 21±1.15. The egg yield of female individuals fed with tea extract prepared with powder and green tea leaves was found to be 24.3±0.33 and 24.6±0.66, respectively. As a result of our study, it was concluded that green tea flour (Matcha tea), which had a higher substrate content than other forms, was more effective on fecundity.


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