The cognitive itinerary of creativity in the translating activity

Since we consider translation to be an activity and not just a result, we notice that its practice generates problems for which the solutions to be found are not always sufficient. Although translation has gained some importance in the recent decades, the value and importance of the translator are not fully recognized. In a possible discrepancy between the original work and its translation, it is very easy to accuse the translator. In the translation field, there is a lack of theoretical basis which the translator can align his/her choices on. Why is creativity necessary in translation and which path must be followed to achieve it? How far is the translator entitled in the creative aspect of his/her translation? In light of these questions, this article aims to demonstrate the need for creativity in the literary translation and to trace the path of creativity in the translation activity while trying to identify the limits of this creativity. It will allow us to trace the route through which the translator will have to achieve a correct and creative translation. We will also underline the importance of the translator because the implementation of all the translating activity depends on this. This study will allow us to demonstrate at the same time the importance of both linguistic knowledge and perilinguistic knowledge, such as the cultural and artistic values, with which the translator must be equipped, which will precisely make it possible to lead to a correct but above all creative translation. Creativity in translation will also allow the translator to justify his/her choices when s/he is faced with a problem that cannot be solved by applying the theories or practices of translation studies.


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