Best proximity point theorems of cyclic Meir-Keeler-Kannan-Chatterjea contractions

Best proximity point theorems of cyclic Meir-Keeler-Kannan-Chatterjea contractions

In this study, by using the Meir-Keeler mapping, cyclic Kannan contraction and cyclic Chatterjee contraction, we establish the notions of cyclic Meir-Keeler-Kannan-Chatterjea contraction T from (A union B) to  (A union B) and cyclic Meir-Keeler-Kannan-Chatterjea contractive pair (T,S) of mappings T from A to  B  and S from B to A , and then we prove some best proximity point theorems for these various types of cyclic contractions. Our results generalize or improve many recent best proximity point theorems in the literature.


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