Purpose- One of the most important issues for the survival of organizations is organizational communication. The situation of organizational communication, which will directly affect the relationship between members and management, in non-governmental organizations has been examined. The main purpose of the research is to determine the communication status of the civil society phenomenon and its carrier, the non-governmental organization. Another aim is to analyze the communication and management approach between the management and the members to find solutions to the problems experienced by NGOs. Within the scope of this purpose, organizational communication perception was measured in one of the NGOs operating in the aviation field. Methodology- The survey method was used as a data collection tool in the research. Within the scope of the research, the scale was communicated to the members of the association via e-mail, WhatsApp, social media, and SMS. Research questions were sent to the participants in September 20019. The online survey remained open until November 2009. The answers of 357 participants who responded to the research were considered valid and included in the analysis. The scales developed by Yiğit (2004) and Takmaz (2009) were adapted to civil society practices and the data were analyzed with Exploratory Factor Analysis. Findings- According to the results of the research, it can be said that the NGO fulfills its responsibilities towards its members. It is seen that there is a sufficient and strong relationship and communication between the NGO management and the members. The NGO management seeks the opinions of the members when setting targets and also consults the opinions of the members on the issues to be discussed in the higher boards. This increases the trust in the management by making the members feel valued. The presence of transparent and high-level organizational communication in the relevant NGO also contributed to the formation of cooperation between the members and the management. This positive situation within the NGO will also have a positive impact on the member's professional and family life. Conclusion- Organizational communication is one of the topics of increasing interest in organizations today. Because organizational communication has benefits for the organization and individuals. These benefits increase the performance of the individual and the productivity of the organization. Transparent communication in the organization will contribute to the establishment of an environment of trust in the organization. The fact that the members take part in the management and their opinions are taken on important issues shows the value given to the members. The ability of NGOs to continue their activities for a long time depends on a high level of organizational communication. SIHAGUVDER demonstrates a transparent, fair, and participatory management approach and uses versatile communication methods within the organization. Thus, by gaining the trust of the members, it was ensured that they could take up positions in the management again.


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