Despite the fact that agriculture is one of the important sectors of the economy and is growing at a certain pace, its share in the gross domestic product decreases every year. In total a quarter of the workforce is employed in the agricultural sector. Therefore, an increase in productivity and income in this sector will affect the well-being of a quarter of the workforce and the entire rural population, which is two-thirds of the country’s total population. Thus, this article examines the economic aspects of animal husbandry in Kyrgyzstan on the basis of a household survey.


Despite the fact that agriculture is one of the important sectors of the economy and is growing at a certain pace, its share in the gross domestic product decreases every year. In total a quarter of the workforce is employed in the agricultural sector. Therefore, an increase in productivity and income in this sector will affect the well-being of a quarter of the workforce and the entire rural population, which is two-thirds of the country’s total population. Thus, this article examines the economic aspects of animal husbandry in Kyrgyzstan on the basis of a household survey.


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