In the Kyrgyz Republic, the residual principle of financing the state healthcare system is remained. In this regard, in modern conditions it is urgent to develop a mechanism for attracting additional sources of financing and their effective use. In the analysis of the structure and dynamics of financial resources, potential sources of financing of state organizations in the Kyrgyz Republic for compulsory health insurance have been identified. The main disadvantage of compulsory health insurance in the Kyrgyz Republic is the lack of forms of participation of the insured patient in the economic system of insurance relations. Introducing of personified accounting for compulsory health insurance is proposed for more complete coverage of commercial structures and increase their interest. Informal payments in medicine should not be considered a “bribe”, since in the absence of an adequate regulatory mechanism, this type of payments for medical services appear as an addition to the market price which is not regulated by the state and which cannot be canceled. The only way to formalize this type of payments is legalization.Funds received as a result of the legalization of paid medical services should not be taken outside hospitals and clinics. They should supplement their wage fund and used as a source of motivation.


In the Kyrgyz Republic, the residual principle of financing the state healthcare system is remained. In this regard, in modern conditions it is urgent to develop a mechanism for attracting additional sources of financing and their effective use. In the analysis of the structure and dynamics of financial resources, potential sources of financing of state organizations in the Kyrgyz Republic for compulsory health insurance have been identified. The main disadvantage of compulsory health insurance in the Kyrgyz Republic is the lack of forms of participation of the insured patient in the economic system of insurance relations. Introducing of personified accounting for compulsory health insurance is proposed for more complete coverage of commercial structures and increase their interest. Informal payments in medicine should not be considered a “bribe”, since in the absence of an adequate regulatory mechanism, this type of payments for medical services appear as an addition to the market price which is not regulated by the state and which cannot be canceled. The only way to formalize this type of payments is legalization.Funds received as a result of the legalization of paid medical services should not be taken outside hospitals and clinics. They should supplement their wage fund and used as a source of motivation.


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