Vehicle Routing Problem is the most important problem in distribution systems and it has lots of application. Basically, exact and heuristic methods are used to solve such problems. Heuristic methods for solving the Vehicle Routing Problems are divided into two main groups; classical heuristic and meta-heuristic methods. In this paper, a metaheuristic method described and the results of this research shows that presenting the “Use and practice of metaheuristic algorithms for solving vehicle routing problems”.


Vehicle Routing Problem is the most important problem in distribution systems and it has lots of application. Basically, exact and heuristic methods are used to solve such problems. Heuristic methods for solving the Vehicle Routing Problems are divided into two main groups; classical heuristic and meta-heuristic methods. In this paper, a metaheuristic method described and the results of this research shows that presenting the “Use and practice of metaheuristic algorithms for solving vehicle routing problems”


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