In the process of review of innovative activity, it has been revealed that in the period of transformation in Kyrgyzstan, a bulk of companies are not engaged in innovative activities. Economy of modern Kyrgyzstan barely got out of the transformation crisis and there are not enough funds for modernization of the economy. This situation is due to the outdated material and technical base of enterprises, poor developed infrastructure innovative policy, lack of personnel and investment. As a result, the economy has not yet headed the innovative path of development, and there was a crisis of innovation system, despite the fact that at present stage there began investment acceleration and science reform. At the beginning of the transformation period, the state has paid insufficient attention to innovative activity in the Kyrgyz Republic, but since the beginning of the twenty-first century, the government is creating a new approach to innovation, as economic growth and a competitive economy cannot be created without a transition to an innovative path of development. The purpose and the role of the state regulation of innovation activity are considered in this article. There are some economic conditions for creation, development and distribution of innovations. Agencies and instruments of state regulation are also presented here.


In the process of review of innovative activity, it has been revealed that in the period of transformation in Kyrgyzstan, a bulk of companies are not engaged in innovative activities. Economy of modern Kyrgyzstan barely got out of the transformation crisis and there are not enough funds for modernization of the economy. This situation is due to the outdated material and technical base of enterprises, poor developed infrastructure innovative policy, lack of personnel and investment. As a result, the economy has not yet headed the innovative path of development, and there was a crisis of innovation system, despite the fact that at present stage there began investment acceleration and science reform. At the beginning of the transformation period, the state has paid insufficient attention to innovative activity in the Kyrgyz Republic, but since the beginning of the twenty-first century, the government is creating a new approach to innovation, as economic growth and a competitive economy cannot be created without a transition to an innovative path of development. The purpose and the role of the state regulation of innovation activity are considered in this article. There are some economic conditions for creation, development and distribution of innovations. Agencies and instruments of state regulation are also presented here


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