Exactly 10 years ago, in 2012, the Kyrgyz Republic introduced a visa-free regime for more than 60 countries of the world. This article attempts to find answers to such questions as to whether this policy has brought about the expected results, whether citizens of those richer countries for which visa-free regime was introduced do come to Kyrgyzstan as tourists, or whether the number of tourists has increased only due to natural growth. First, the relevant academic literature on the visa-free regime policy was reviewed. Then, based on the statistical data of the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2011-2019, the growth rate of tourism from the 15 richest countries for which a visa-free regime was introduced was analyzed. The end of the article includes a discussion of the results on the basis of which proposals for improving tourism policy were developed.


Exactly 10 years ago, in 2012, the Kyrgyz Republic introduced a visa-free regime for more than 60 countries of the world. This article attempts to find answers to such questions as to whether this policy has brought about the expected results, whether citizens of those richer countries for which visa-free regime was introduced do come to Kyrgyzstan as tourists, or whether the number of tourists has increased only due to natural growth. First, the relevant academic literature on the visa-free regime policy was reviewed. Then, based on the statistical data of the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2011-2019, the growth rate of tourism from the 15 richest countries for which a visa-free regime was introduced was analyzed. The end of the article includes a discussion of the results on the basis of which proposals for improving tourism policy were developed.


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