The climatic conditions of our country, and their changes, today should be viewed not only as a source of frequently occurring natural disasters, but also as a reflection of the negative changes in the environment and are harmful to the population living conditions, health, transport infrastructure and others. In this regard, awareness of community needs local interests on climate change, the development of innovative programs and the development of appropriate policies on emerging issues of climate change. Conventional methods of stimulating interest and response of the population and local authorities are sufficient. Capacity building for the less progressive villagers (eg rural youth) requires a different approach to support community development, as rural communities characterized by a lower level of existing local organizations. This also applies to rural communities with low innovation potential or economically isolated rural areas in the mountainous regions, where the residual people may be indifferent, and even have a defeatist mood.


The climatic conditions of our country, and their changes, today should be viewed not only as a source of frequently occurring natural disasters, but also as a reflection of the negative changes in the environment and are harmful to the population living conditions, health, transport infrastructure and others. In this regard, awareness of community needs local interests on climate change, the development of innovative programs and the development of appropriate policies on emerging issues of climate change. Conventional methods of stimulating interest and response of the population and local authorities are sufficient. Capacity building for the less progressive villagers (eg rural youth) requires a different approach to support community development, as rural communities characterized by a lower level of existing local organizations. This also applies to rural communities with low innovation potential or economically isolated rural areas in the mountainous regions, where the residual people may be indifferent, and even have a defeatist mood


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