Economic growth and development of the countries are measured with the income increase to be achieved at the end of the production. Even though there are some criteria presenting the development levels of the countries, the significant differences among the development levels of the countries stem from the success in the production process. The concept of production is important for both countries and enterprises. Enterprises have numerous limitations in their activities related to the production. These limitations may include internal factors such as price, quality and time that are associated with the quality of the product and can be controlled by the enterprise as well as external factors such as uncertainties in the market and customer demands that are beyond the control of the enterprise. In this respect, the aim of the study is to present alternative models for stocks of the enterprises in the furniture industry through current package programs by addressing the basic functions of the enterprise management and the process of taking the optimum decisions through the effective use of the available resources under predictable and unpredictable constraints. In the present study, it was determined that enterprise control and stock control and management system are needed in order to make the production in the most effective manner, fulfil the orders, prevent interruption in the production activities, achieve a balance between the suppliers and consumers, increase efficiency, keep stocks at the optimal level and minimise the costs related to the stocks. 


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