This study aims to investigate the effect of corporate social responsibility on affective commitment to the employer brand and the mediating roles of organizational based self-esteem and ethical climate. Within the literature, studies suggest that some organizational factors lead to employees’ affective commitment to the brand levels increasing.  Therefore, corporate social responsibility, organization based self-esteem and ethical climate are considered as predictors’ of employees affective commitment to the employer brand in scope of the study. For the purpose of the research, the data which are collected from 135 employees in automotive industry by the survey method are analyzed by using hierarchical regression analysis. According to the results of study, it is found out that all dimensions of corporate social responsibility which are labeled as ethical, legal, discretionary and economic have positive and significant effect on employees affective commitment to the employer brand. However, organizational based self-esteem and ethical climate have positive and significant effect on employees’ affective commitment to the employer brand. In addition, organizational based self-esteem and ethical climate have mediating role between corporate social responsibility dimensions and affective commitment to the employer brand.  


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