Purpose- The purpose of the study is to determine conceptually the effect of technological changes on airport security personnel. Airports have the potential to attract danger due to its strategic importance. Over the last decade, changes in the threat profile have occurred. The main purpose of aviation is to provide service to passengers by creating space and time benefits. The balance of passengers' comfort and safety to be maintained by air depends on the type of threats and the technology used in security. For this reason, large investments have been made in the development of security technology at airports. In this process, small-scale, relatively simple security systems at the airports, large-scale, high-tech systems were introduced.Methodology- Literature review method was used. Findings- In order to evaluate the approaches of the airport security personnel to the technological change, the survey study on the openness to technological changes in the literature review was investigated and the main dimensions in this context were put forward. The impact of technological changes on airport security personnel was interpreted and recommendations were made. Considering that human factor is the user of technology, the attitude of individuals towards technology is effective in ensuring airport security. Technological change has had a significant impact on the attitudes, behaviors and mental structure of the employees. Technological change causes many psychological effects such as monotony, boredom, fatigue, stress and anxiety. Conclusion- The psychological effects of the technological change on the employees were found to be monotony and boredom, stress and anxiety. The social effects of technological change on employees are alienation and inadequacy, education, communication and social relations. The economic impact of technological change on employees is dismissal and job insecurity. In addition, the physical effect has emerged as health problems.


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