Teachers’ Opinions on Organizational Ostracism

Teachers’ Opinions on Organizational Ostracism

The aim of this research is to examine the views of Turkish high school teachers about organizational ostracism. Case study and semi-structured interview form from qualitative research types were used in the research. 20 teachers determined by homogeneous sampling from purposeful sampling methods were included in the study. Data collected from volunteer teachers’ forms were analyzed by descriptive analysis technique. According to the results of the research, the majority of the participating teachers stated that they were excluded, and the participants who stated that they were not excluded witnessed the exclusion of other teachers. Teachers generally choose silence and acceptance in order to deal with this situation, stating that ostracism affects the psychology of the teacher, and this problem disrupts the school climate. School administrators should take necessary precautions for the development of healthy communication climate among the teachers. If there is a healthy communication culture in an organization, people feel themselves as a part of this culture and as a result ostracism may be lessened. If there is a healthy communication culture in an organization, people feel themselves as a part of this culture and as a result ostracism may be lessened.


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