The Role of Gut Microbiota on Appetite Hormones

The Role of Gut Microbiota on Appetite Hormones

The fact that obesity has reached alarm level worldwide shows that this problem has practical and manageable limitations, both prevention and treatment options. It is known that obesity is effective in the emergence of many diseases such as asthma, depression and cancer, especially cardiometabolic diseases. Obesity, which shows a complex development, is mainly due to the chronically positive energy homeostasis. Intestinal microbiota plays a key role in maintaining this homeostasis. Microbiota is called all the microorganisms in the human body, and it acts as an organ by contributing directly or indirectly to many metabolic, structural and protective physiological functions of the host. Many of these functions are mediated by short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) produced from carbohydrates that are resistant to digestion by the microbiota. SCFA (butyrate, propionate, acetate) activate some hormone and signaling pathways and have a significant effect on appetite and body weight regulation. In this review, the effects of SCFAs on some gastrointestinal appetite hormones will be explained and predictions will be shared about their role in metabolism and their potential to be used as new molecular targets.


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