Bilgisayar Odaklı Yüksekokul ve Fakülte Öğrencilerinin Problemli Cep Telefonu Kullanım Durumları

Mobile phones with multiple functions such as listening to music, social networking, watching movies at home, in the classroom, walking or on the bus can be regarded as an important tool on today. But so is the accuracy of the intensive use of this technology is questionable and called the problematic use of mobile phones in the literature. In this research has been applied “problematic mobile phone usage scale” university students who believed that relatively more intense and education to subject of computer. Data were collected from total of 203 university students of CEIT (educational faculty) and Computer Programming (vocational school) level in the academic year of 2015-2016. As a result, the students have low levels of problematic phone use, the terms of problematic phone use computer programming to students that the lower level of the students BÖTE but has been found there is no difference in terms of gender and use of mobile phone years. 


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