It is appropriate to evaluate Turkey’s human rights record on the 75th, anniversary of the Republic of Turkey. An evaluation will shed light on Turkey’s achievements in this field. What does human rights mean to us with regard to living in a modern state? The evolution of human rights has made the individual the focus of contemporary liberties and rights as opposed to the absolute power of the state. In general, in countries in which democracy and universal rights are accorded respect, one finds a genuine possibility to further real democratic values and practices in the everyday life of the individual. The concept of human rights encompasses the basic rights and freedoms to which all human beings are entitled irrespective of their race, creed, religion, gender, ethnicity, language, national origin and age. Human rights have evolved to this day as the natural right of an individual in which he enjoys equal rights before the law. This definition of human rights is applied universally and thus the principles of human rights have become an effective measure of the democratic level of a society.