III-XI. (IX-XVII) Asırlar Arasında İmâmiyye Şîa’sının Rivayetleri Değerlendirmede Metin Tenkidi Kullanımı / Use of Textual Criticism in Imami Shia for Interpretation of Narratives between the 3rd and the 11th Centuries (9th-17th) / (استخدام نقد النص في إطار تقييم الرواية عند الشيعة الإمامية ما بين ا

Use of Textual Criticism in Imami Shia for Interpretation of Narratives between the 3rd and the 11th Centuries (9th-17th)

İlahiyat Akademi

2018-Sayı: 7-8


Hadis, Şiîlik/Şîa, metin tenkidi, guluv, Ahbârîler, Usûlîler, karîne

Ḥadīth, Shiʿism/Shiah, textual criticism, ghuluww, Akhbārīs, Uṣūlīs, qarīnah