Benzer Makaleler

Maternal adipose tissue, antenatal steroids, and Respiratory Distress syndrome: complex relations

Turkish Journal of Pediatrics


Thymic output changes in children with clinical findings signaling a probable primary immunodeficiency

Turkish Journal of Pediatrics

Neslihan KARACA, Elif AZARSIZ, Sanem Eren AKARCAN, Güzide AKSU, Necil KÜTÜKÇÜLER

Is antibiotic lock therapy effective for the implantable longterm catheter-related bloodstream infections in children?

Turkish Journal of Pediatrics

Tuğçe Tural KARA, Halil ÖZDEMİR, Tuğba ERAT, Aysun YAHŞİ, Ahmet Derya AYSEV, Nurdan TAÇYILDIZ, Emel ÜNAL, Talia İLERİ, Elif İNCE, Şule HASKOLOĞLU, Ergin ÇİFTÇİ, Erdal İNCE

Childhood sclerosing cholangitis associations in a Tunisian tertiary care hospital: a many-faceted disease

Turkish Journal of Pediatrics

Miniar TFİFHA, Tarek KAMOUN, Nadia MAMA, Sarra MESTİRİ, Saida HASSAYOUN, Noura ZOUARİ, Hela JEMNİ, Saoussen ABROUG

Bi-allelic mutations in PRUNE lead to neurodegeneration with spinal motor neuron involvement and hyperCKaemia

Turkish Journal of Pediatrics

Derya OKUR, Hülya Sevcan DAİMAGÜLER, Ayça Ersen DANYELİ, Hasan TEKGÜL, Haicui WANG, Gilbert WUNDERLİCH, Sebahattin ÇIRAK, Uluç YİŞ

A case of craniopagus parasiticus: an antenatal diagnosis by ultrasound screening at 16 weeks of gestation and a literature review of recently reported cases

Turkish Journal of Pediatrics

Houda Nasser Al YAQOUBİ, Nishat FATEMA, Badriya Sulaiman Al FAHDİ

Pathological findings of central nervous system, two GM1 gangliosidosis autopsy cases

Turkish Journal of Pediatrics

Doğuş Özdemir KARA, Ahmet ŞAHPAZ

A pediatric case of Ortner’s syndrome caused by heritable pulmonary arterial hypertension and review of the literature

Turkish Journal of Pediatrics

Özkan KAYA, Tamer YOLDAŞ, Selmin KARADEMİR, Utku Arman ÖRÜN, Eyüp SARI