Niyazi DENİZ, Seyfettin TAŞ, Tufan KORAY

New Records of the Dictyocha antarctica Lohmann, Dictyocha crux Ehrenberg and Nitzschia rectilonga Takano Species from the Sea of Marmara

New Records of the Dictyocha antarctica Lohmann, Dictyocha crux Ehrenberg and Nitzschia rectilonga Takano Species from the Sea of Marmara

Turkish Journal of Botany

2006-Cilt: 30 - Sayı: 3


Dictyocha antarctica, Dictyocha crux, Nitzschia rectilonga, phytoplankton, Sea of Marmara

Dictyocha antarctica, Dictyocha crux, Nitzschia rectilonga, phytoplankton, Sea of Marmara