The Effects of Simulations and Animations on Students’ Motivation in a Computer Course

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of simulations and animations on students’ motivation in a computer course about hardware.  The “Instructional Materials Motivation Survey [IMMS]” – “Öğretim Materyalleri Motivasyon Anketi “[ÖMMA] developed by JM Keller was administered at both the beginning and end of the course in order to examine, animation and simulation aided the effects of the activities carried out on the students’ motivation. The survey consists of 24 items in a structure which includes four factors (attention, relevance, confidence, satisfaction). The reliability of the questionnaire was found as 0.83 for (Cronbach's Alpha) internal consistency coefficient total polls and 0.79 and 0.69 for sub-factors, respectively. Experimental design was used in the study. The survey was administered to 30 students studying at Amasya University,  in the Faculty of Education, Classroom Teaching Department; 32 students from the Mathematics Teaching Department;  and 26 students studying Theological Science. The results were analyzed using SPSS 18. According to the research findings, it was observed that using  simulations and animations in the computer course about hardware of the Classroom Teaching Section,  Theological Mathematics Section and Theological Science had a positive effect on the motivation of students and had a significant differentiation according to the situation that simulations and animations have not been applied (sig <0.05)


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