The purpose of this study is to analyze the unsportsmanlike behaviors the basketball and soccer referees are subject to and reveal the differences in unsportsmanlike behaviors between the leagues. There are 192 basketball, 129 soccer referees officiating in Turkey’s league of basketball and soccer in the season of 2007-2008, participated in this study. “Personal Information and View Form” and “Unsportsmanlike Behaviors Questionnaire” were used as the data-collection tools. At the end of this research, the most encountered behaviors in basketball are successively psychological pressure, protest, complaining the competitor, complaining the referee, destroying concentration, objection, avoid assisting the referee, incitement, verbal abuse, disrespect, non-gratitude, behaving against the sporting virtue, harm on sports equipment, threat, attempt of assault, and assault. In soccer the most encountered behaviors are successively, psychological pressure, protest, complaining the competitor, complaining the referee, objection, avoid assisting the referee, destroy concentration, incitement, disrespect, verbal abuse, non-gratitude, behaving against the sporting virtue, threat, harm on sports equipment, attempt of assault, and assault.


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  • This article is a part of doctorate thesis of Bahri Gürpınar.
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