Competence is defined as having the knowledge, skills and attitude needed for a role (Balcı, 2005); teacher competencies are defined as the knowledge, skills and attitude that will enable teachers to fulfill the demands of their profession effectively and efficiently (MEB, 2008). When the teaching profession is thought of as a profession of specialization, it can be seen that special field education and qualifications should be sought in teacher candidates. In this study, we aim to determine the rates of participation in and possession of the physical education and sports special field competencies for Physical Education and Sport Teacher candidates with undergraduate education in the field of sport sciences obtained through the Ministry of Education, Turkey. The research was conducted with a total of 1022 teacher candidates who had been educated in the highest grades of the physical education and sport teacher departments of 35 universities. In the study, the Physical Education Teacher Special Field competencies, which were put into effect by the Ministry of National Education and consist of six dimensions and 30 sub-competencies, were translated into the form of a measurement tool. In the analysis of the data, values were expressed using frequency and percentages and the t-test was used in binary comparisons. The significance level in the study was taken as 0.05. According to the findings of the research, the average participation score of physical education and sports teacher candidates in teacher competencies was higher than the average possession score, and the difference was found to be significant. When the teacher candidates' participation rates were evaluated according to gender, the difference between the average participation scores of male teacher candidates versus female teacher candidates was found to be significant. This difference stems from the high scores of male teacher candidates. When the rates of possession of competences of teacher candidates were evaluated according to gender, the difference between the average score of male candidates and the average score of female candidates was again found to be significant, and again, this difference stems from the high scores of male teacher candidates.


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