Science Education Graduate Students’ Views Towards Ethics of Science

Science Education Graduate Students’ Views Towards Ethics of Science

The aim of this research is to determine the views of science education graduate students towards ethics of science. In the study, phenomenological approach was employed as qualitative research method. The data were collected through personal information forms and semi-structured interview questions that were formed in accordance with the research purpose and were analyzed by content analysis technique. The views of graduate students were examined in depth within the scope of 8 themes, which are the concept of ethics of science, scientific ethics course, unethical behaviours, underlying reasons of unethical behaviours, socio-cultural factors, conducting academic studies at schools, sanctions for unethical behaviours and the effect of unethical behaviours on science. The results highlighted the significance of scientific ethics course integration to undergraduate and graduate level. Moreover, underlying reasons and preventive measures of unethical behaviours have been detected from the graduate students’ perspective.


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