Studying of history of ecological thoughts in works of the classical poets and thinkers of Azerbaijan living in the XI-XIX centuries

Even before inclusion in science of the concept "ecology" the popu­lation openly declared the relation on environment, sought to reflect care elements to the nature in the creative samples, customs and traditions. From this point of view, deserve attention of a problem of a caring attitude to the nature and influence of people on environment in works of the classical poets and writers of Azerbaijan living and creating in the Middle Ages. In the offered article, from the point of view of studying of ecological thoughts Nizami Gyandzhevi, Afzaladdin Hagani (Shirvani), Imadaddin Nasimi, Shah Ismail Hatai, Avkhadi Maragala, Molla Panah Vagif, Gasim Bey Zakir, Mirza Fatali Akhundzade, Abbaskulu Aga Bakikhanov, Seid Azim Shirvani, etc. thinkers of the East, including the Turkic world living in the XI-XIX centuries were investigated literary creativity.


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