This paper discusses and tries to compare the reasons for the crises of Argentina and Turkey, which have always had a problematic structure in terms of macroeconomic conditions especially from 1985’s together with efforts to gain access to foreign markets. It also explains whether these countries achieved success with IMF supported economic programs. Therefore, the paper consists of three main parts. In the first part, the principal aims of MF's suggested policies have been discussed. In the second part, the effects of Argentina’s application of IMF supported programs on its economic and social indicators have been analyzed.. In the third part, the crises, which Turkey had and the impact of policies, which IMF carried out, have also been examined from the same perspective. Finally, the effects of IMF’s policies, which were introduced against the crises in these two countries have been analyzed and in the light of these policies, the points which countries have to consider in determining their policies and the lessons they must learn have been discussed.


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