Rokuronyum enjeksiyon ağrısının önlenmesinde ondansetron ve lidokainin karşılaştırılması

Bu çalışma, rokuronyum enjeksiyonunda görülen kol çekmenin önlenmesinde ondansetron ve lidokainin etkilerini karşılaştırmak amacıyla yapıldı. Çalışmaya alınan 60 erişkin olgu rasgele 20'şer kişilik üç gruba aynldı. Hastalann el sırtından 20 G intravenöz kateter yerleştirildikten sonra salin infüzyonuna başlandı ve 5-7 mg/kg tiyopental uygulandı. 5 saniye (sn) sonra ön kola manuel olarak turnike uygulandı. Grup I'deki olgulara 2 cc (4 mg) ondansetron, Grup Il'dekilere 2 cc (40 mg) %2'lik lidokain ve Grup IU'deki olgulara ise 2 cc serum fizyolojik (SF) (%0.9) iv verildi. 15 sn sonra turnike gevşetildi. 0.6 mg/kg rokuronyum iv olarak verilipkol çekme tepkileri 4 puanlı skala ile değerlendirildi. Rokuronyum enjeksiyonundan sonra hiç ağrısı olmayan olgu sayısı Grup H'de Grup I ve IH'e göre daha fazla idi (p

Comparison of ondansetron and lidocaine in preventing of rocuronium injection pain

Comparison of Ondansetron and Lidocaine in Preventing of Rocuronium Injection Pain This study was conducted to compare the efficiency of ondansetron and lidocaine for arm withdrawal due to rocuronium injection pain. The study were included 60 adult patients. Patients were divided into three groups, twenty patients in each. After cannulation with 20-gauge intravenous catheter on the dorsum of hand, saline was infused and 5-7 mg/kg thiopenthal was administered. Five seconds after thiopenthal injection, the turniquet was applied on the forearm. Group I patients received 2 cc (4 mg) ondansetron, Group II patients received 2 cc (2%) lidocaine and Group III patients received 2 cc of 0.9% saline intravenous. Fifteen seconds after study drugs administration, turniquet was released. Rocuronium 0.6 mg/kg was injected. Arm withdrawal of patients was assessed with four points scale. Number of patients who had no pain was higher in Group II than Group I and III (p<0.05), also it was higher in Group I than Group III (p<0.05). We concluded that lidocaine was more successful than both ondansetron and placebo in relieving arm withdrawal on rocuronium injection. In addition, ondansetron was also more effective than placebo for preventing of rocuronium injection pain.


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Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Tıp Dergisi (. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine)-Cover
  • ISSN: 1300-2996
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 4 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2018