Reflections On Some Basic Problems Of Philosophy Of Religion

Bu makalenin temel iddiası şudur: din felsefesi, bilimsel, tümüyle rasyonel ve evrensel olmaya çalıştıkça, kendi sonunu getiren bir noktaya erişmeye çalışmış olacaktır. Dinler, din felsefesine bizi çevreleyen gerçekliğin farklı bir düşünme tarzını gerektirdiğini hatırlattıkça, ona sadece bir felsefi çaba olarak kalacağını ve salt rasyonel, bilimsel ve evrensel bilgi haline geleme-yeceğini de hatırlatmış olmaktadırlar.

Din Felsefesinin Bazı Temel Problemleri Üzerine Düşünceler

When philosophy of religion tries to be scientific, full rational, and uni-versal, it aims to reach a point where it would annihilate itself. When reli-gions reminds philosophy of religion that the reality surrounding us re-quires different mode of thinking, they remind it also that it will remain a mere philosophical endeavor forever, and not be able to transform itself to full rational, scientific, and universal knowledge.


  • For further readings on the relationship between hermeneutics and
  • philosophy of religion, see
  • Benso, Silvia and Brian Schroeder (Editors), Between Nihilism and Politics: The Hermeneutics of Gianni Vattimo, SUNY series in Contemporary Italian Philo- sophy, 2010.
  • Benson, Bruce Ellis, Hermeneutics at the Crossroads (Indiana Series in the Philo- sophy of Religion), Indiana University Press, 2006.
  • Cacho , Allan, ‚Symbolism in Religion: Ricoeurian Hermeneutics and Filipino Philosophy of Religion‛, KRITIKE, Vol. 1 Number 2 (December 2007) 122- 131
  • Joy, Morny (editor), Continental Philosophy and Philosophy of Religion, Vol. 4, Sprin- ger, 2011.
  • Kearney, Richar, The God Who May Be: A Hermeneutics of Religion (Indiana Series in the Philosophy of Religion), Indiana University Press, 2001.
  • Phillips, D. Z., Religion and the Hermeneutics of Contemplation, Cambridge Univer- sity Press, 2001.
  • Siwiec, John Andrew, Philosophy of religion as hermeneutics of contemplation accor- ding to Dewi Z. Phillips, McGill University, 2004 (Electronic Thesis). ııı