Doğal Afetler Konusunun Okul Dışı Öğrenme Ortamında Öğretimi: AFAD Gezisi

Bu araştırmada ilkokul 2. sınıf doğal afetler konusunun okul dışı öğrenme ortamı olan Afet ve Acil Durum (AFAD) gezisi sürecinde gerçekleştirilen öğretiminin öğrencilere nasıl katkı sağlayacağının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Nitel yaklaşım kapsamında olgubilim yöntemiyle yürütülen araştırmanın çalışma grubunu kolay ulaşılabilir durum örneklemesi yöntemiyle Samsun ili İlkadım ilçesindeki Bilnet Okulları Samsun Kampüsü’nde eğitimine devam 2-A sınıfındaki 17 öğrenci oluşturulmuştur. Gezi öncesi ve sonrasında uygulanan yarı-yapılandırılmış görüşme formları ve gezi esnasında kullanılan anlam çözümleme tablosu aracılığıyla ulaşılan veriler, betimsel analiz yöntemiyle çözümlenmiştir. Gezi planına uygun bir şekilde sırasıyla konferans salonunda, deprem simülasyon tırında, deprem enkaz bölgesinde, köpek eğitim merkezinde, kademe binası ve depolarda, iş makinesi parkında müfredata uygun sunum, anlatım, mesleki yaşanmışlıklardan ve günlük yaşamdan örnekler, uygulamalar şeklinde pek çok öğretim etkinlikleri düzenlenmiştir. Gerçekleştirilen görüşmelerden elde edilen verilerden yapılan öğretimin eğlenceli, bilgilendirici, çok ilgi çekici ve bilgilerin kalıcı olabileceği tespit edilmiştir. Veriler dayalı olarak öğrencilerin okul dışında gerçekleştirilen bu derse ilişkin memnun kaldıkları ve ders etkinliklerinin öğrenciler üzerinde olumlu etki bıraktığı sonucuna varılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçları bağlamında yaparak yaşayarak öğrenmenin sağlanması için farklı ders veya konularda çeşitli okul dışı ortamlara geziler düzenlenmeli gibi ilgililere gerekli önerilerde bulunulmuştur.

Doğal Afetler Konusunun Okul Dışı Öğrenme Ortamında Öğretimi: AFAD Gezisi

Education is undoubtedly one of the most important factors primarily affected by the developments in the world and also trigger them. Therefore, education covering every time and field of human life, must keep up with the developments in the world. Now that education is a job that cannot be trapped between four walls and can be done outside the school and in any field. In this day and time, when student-centered teaching strategies are tried to be implemented, a sense of modern teaching in which students actively participate the whole process, learn by doing and experiencing, associate the topics with their daily lives and establish connections with their social lives is dominant. Accordingly, abiding by the scientific foundations, rapidly transforming and developing education systems aim to raise individuals who can make observation and research, solve problems through scientific methods, meet their own needs and have the ability to live independently. In line with this goal, the importance and influence of out-of-school learning environments as well as the schools’ is increasing day by day. In this study, it was aimed to determine how the teaching of natural disasters subject within the scope of primary school 2nd grade, carried out during the Ministry of Interior Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (DEMP) trip as an out of school learning environment, would contribute to the students. In this research done via phenomenology method under qualitative approach, the sample was created by 17 students in the 2-A class continuing their education at Bilnet Schools Samsun Campus in Samsun province, İlkadım district through easy access sampling method. The data obtained via the semi-structured interview forms applied before and after the trip and the meaning analysis table used during the trip, were analyzed by descriptive analysis method. In accordance with the trip plan, many teaching activities such as presentation, expression, examples for professional experiences and practices from daily life in accordance with the curriculum were organized respectively in the conference hall, the earthquake simulation truck, the earthquake debris zone, the dog training center, the echelon building and warehouses, the construction equipment park. According to the data obtained from interviews and meaning analysis table, it was understood that the students were aware of natural disasters such as earthquake, fire, flood etc.; only half of them had heard about DEMP and partially known about its functions before; the presentations made in the conference hall, the teaching carried out in the earthquake simulation truck, the earthquake debris zone, the dog training center, the echelon building and warehouses, the construction equipment park were interesting, entertaining, informative and could provide permanent learning. Based on the data, almost all students found the teaching in DEMP as an out-of-school learning environment very enjoyable and elucidative. In addition, it was concluded that this kind of out-of-school environments would also contribute to the teaching of different subjects and so better learning could be provided by experiencing. In this context, it was observed that the students were highly satisfied with the lesson and thus the activities related to it had a positive effect on them. Within the scope of the research results, in order to provide learning by doing and experiencing, some necessary suggestions were made for the researchers wanting to study in this field, such as trips to various out-of-school environments should be organized for different lessons or subjects, considering the factors as transportation and accommodation new researches should be designed for longer-term and different learning environments (not daily and non-city trips), and for different subjects longitudinal studies in which the trips to different out-of-school learning environments can be compared, should be done.


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