Geçici Süreyle Kurum Bakımını Deneyimlemiş Çocuklar: Korunma Altına Alınma Sebepleri ve Deneyimleri/ Temporarily Institutionalized Children: The Reasons for their Protection and Their Experiences

Bu araştırma geçici süreyle kurum deneyimi yaşamış 13-18 yaş aralığındaki çocukların korunma altına alınma sebeplerini ve deneyimlerini öğrenmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Araştırma nitel araştırma deseninde ve fenomenolojik yaklaşımla tasarlanmış olup, çocuklara kartopu örnekleme yöntemiyle ulaşılmıştır. Görüşmeler yarı- yapılandırılmış derinlemesine görüşme formu aracılığıyla gerçekleştirilmiş, veriler tematik analiz yöntemiyle analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma bulgularından “bir cezalandırma stratejisi olarak evden kaçış”, “fiziksel şiddet”, “cinsel şiddet ve aile desteğinin önemi” ve “kurum bakımı sonrası aileye geri dönüş” dört temel tema olarak keşfedilmiştir. Aile içi iletişimdeki eksiklikler, ebeveynlerin sınır, kural ve otoriteyi yanlış kullanmasının yanı sıra fiziksel şiddet ve cinsel şiddet çocukların evden kaçmasının temel sebepleri olarak bulunmuştur. Bununla birlikte, evden kaçmayı bir cezalandırma stratejisi olarak kullanan çocukların kurum deneyimlerini pişmanlıkla betimledikleri görülmüştür. İhmal ve istismarın ilk tespit edildiği yerin genellikle okul olması sebebiyle, koruma altına alınma ihtiyacını ortadan kaldırmak için öncelikli olarak okul sosyal hizmetinin yaygınlaştırılması, çocuklarla ve ailelerle çalışmaların gerçekleştirilmesi temel öneriler olmuştur.

Geçici Süreyle Kurum Bakımını Deneyimlemiş Çocuklar: Korunma Altına Alınma Sebepleri ve Deneyimleri/ Temporarily Institutionalized Children: The Reasons for their Protection and Their Experiences

This research aims to learn the reasons and experiences of children between the ages of 13-18 who experienced institutional care temporarily. The research was designed in a qualitative research design and with a phenomenological approach since it aims to learn the lived experience of individuals from themselves and to reveal the implications of the institutional experience. Within the scope of the research ten children were reached by using the snowball sampling method. The interviews were conducted through a semi-structured in-depth interview form, and the data were analyzed using thematic analysis method. "Escape from home as a punishment strategy", "physical violence", "sexual violence and the importance of family support" and "return to the family after institutional care" were established as four basic themes. The first theme named as “escape from home as a punishment strategy” reveals that lack of communication, misuse of borders, rules, and authority as well as physical and sexual violence were found to be the main reasons for children’s escape from their homes. Consequently, it is seen that children can use escape from home as a punishment of their parents which leads to their institutionalization. The second theme named as “physical violence” shows that miscommunication in the family and parents’ use of violence as a problem-solving strategy is another reason for children’s protection. The third theme “sexual violence and the importance of family support” shows that children can hinder sexual violence experiences and when these experiences combined with family problems, it may lead to state protection. It was also observed that when children can take family support they need, they can develop healthy coping mechanisms about their sexual violence experiences. The last theme “return to the family after institutional care” indicates that children especially those who use escape from home as a punishment strategy described their institutional care experience with regret. Since the first place where neglect and abuse were detected is usually the school, the main suggestions have been to disseminate school social work and to carry out educational activities with children and families to eliminate the need for protection. The study design of these activities for children must include children's rights, family rules, roles, and boundaries, while emphasizing that those rules, boundaries etc. cannot be accepted if they violate children's rights. Similarly, family conflict, loss of parents and divorce are the main reasons for children to be taken under protection, counseling should be offered to children who have family problems by following the family and the child, with the cooperation of the psychological counselor, guidance teacher and social worker. Similarly, the prevention of school dropouts and the follow-up of children are among the activities that can be implemented in this context.Carrying educational activities on children's rights with families is another suggestion that is derived from the research results. At the point where protective and preventive studies are not enough, important duties fall on the professional staff working in social service institutions and organizations. Therefore, the workload of the social workers should be alleviated by increasing the number of professional staff working in these institutions and organizations, and in this direction, the professional staff can provide more effective and efficient services for children. Furthermore, social workers should carry out studies to increase the awareness of other staff working in these institutions and organizations on the subject of neglect and abuse, within the educational role of the social worker. Likewise, the institutions responsible for child protection are not only schools or social service organizations, but the entire society, especially every person working in the field of child welfare. In this respect, activities to create awareness on the topics such as children's rights, violence against children, child labor, early and forced marriages should be carried out in cooperation with the public, civil society and media, and reporting mechanisms should be taught. Finally, qualitative and quantitative studies that deal with the experiences of children in need of protection before, during and after institutional care as a whole should be conducted.


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  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 2 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2019
  • Yayıncı: Melih SEVER