Special Education Teachers’ Knowledge about Genetic Disorders

Special Education Teachers’ Knowledge about Genetic Disorders

The purpose of this work is to determine the knowledge level of the special education teachers about genetic disorders. A total of 83 teachers’ from working on special education centers were used. Knowledge of cell division was the highest among participants (33.7%). However, majority of the participants specified that they had no information about genetic counselling (80.7%), prenatal genetic diagnosis (79.5%), polygenic inheritance (72.3%), mitochondrial inheritance (71.1%), autosomal dominant and recessive genes (65.1% and 63,9% respectively). The majority of the participants were mostly aware of Down syndrome (69.9%) followed by Rh factor (31.3%), diabetes (27.7%), muscular dystrophy (24.1%) and albinism (24.1%). Our results showed that the majority of respondents were lack of adequately enough genetic knowledge.