Polonezköy was founded in 1842 as a refugee settlement and has served long as a refuge for the Poles escaping from their long-occupied home and for the Polish soldiers escaping from the Russian army. Always attracted attention of the Istanbullites since its establishment with its difference cultural structure, the village is also one of the oldest natural recreational areas in Istanbul. Started with hunting in the forests surrounding the village from 1910 on, the recreational activities have developed in the course of time and increasingly developed this quality of it as a result of declaration of the village as "national Natural Park" in 1994 and "natural sit area" in 1995. Polonezköy is an important entertainment and recreational area preferred by most of the Istanbullites in recent years especially for short-term holidays (most of the time for daily or weekly excursions) thanks to easy transportation facilities from the downtown, forestry nature still undestroyed, cultural features it has and a number of accommodation facilities.


Polonezköy bir mülteci yerle?mesi olarak 1842'de kurulmu?, uzun yyllar i?gal altyndaki ülkelerinden kaçan Polonyalylar ile Rus ordusundan kaçan Polonyaly askerlerin sy?ynma yeri olmu?tur. Kurulu?undan itibaren farkly kültürel yapysy ile Ystanbullularyn ilgisini çeken köy, ayny zamanda Ystanbul'un en eski do?al rekreasyon alanlaryndan biridir. 1910'dan sonra köyü çevreleyen ormanlarda avcylyk ile ba?layan rekreasyon faaliyetleri zaman içinde geli?mi?, köyün 1994'te "milli tabiat park alany", 1995'te "do?al sit alany" ilan edilmesiyle daha da yaygynla?my?tyr. Polonezköy ?ehir merkezine olan ula?ym kolayly?y, orman içinde yer alan henüz bozulmamy? do?asy, sahip oldu?u farkly kültürel özellikleri ve çok sayydaki konaklama tesisiyle, ço?u Ystanbullunun son yyllarda kysa süreli tatilleri (ço?unlukla günübirlik ya da hafta sonu) için tercih ettikleri önemli bir e?lence ve dinlenme merkezidir.