Procedural modeling is a method that determines production rules and allows for developing effective structural design in architecture. Fountain (Shadirvan) is an important component of Turkish architecture and having a symmetrical structure and distinctive elements makes fountains suitable for procedural modeling. In this study, we propose a procedural method to design different fountain models similar to ones that exist in Turkish architecture. We specify the parameters by looking at the texture, shape, and quantity of observed fountain images for production rules. Based on the selection of parameters, different fountain models are generated in a procedural manner. We present several different models, determined parameters, and parameter values. We explain how we create shapes such as polygon and pyramid. We show samples of 3d fountain models that our model can produce. Also, we conducted an experiment to evaluate the proposed system in terms of its expressiveness and usability. In this experiment, we asked subjects to produce 3D fountain models similar to the ones in provided images by selecting parameters of the proposed model or by traditional 3D modeling tools.


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